Midwest Roofing Services Blog
Residential roofing is typically made up of a multitude of materials and surfaces. The primary purpose of your roof is to maintain a barrier between the outisde and interior from the weather. The most pervasive and difficult weather element to control is water. Roof flashing is usually the last line of defense in the battle against water penetration.
The most common locations for roofing flashing are at the valleys, chimneys, roof penetrations, eaves, rakes, skylights, ridges, and at the roof to wall intersections. Flashing must be configured to resist the three mechanisms of water penetration: gravity, surface tension, and wind pressure. To achieve this, flashing can be lapped shingle style, sodered or sealed to function as a continuous suface or can beconfigured with non- continuous profile to defeat water surface tension.
Flashing materials must be durable, low in maintenance requirements, weather resistant, able to accomodate movement, and be compatible with adjacent materials. With properly installed flashing in the correct areas, flashing for your roof can help extend the lifetime of your roof as well. Midwest Roofing Services can help determine which type of flashing is need as well as correctly install flashing to help maintain the lifetime of your roof. If you have flashing that is damaged and needs repair Midwest Roofing Services has certified Service Writers who can help you with the decision to either replace or help with any repair that you may need. So give Midwest Roofing Services a call for your roofing needs.
It is that time of year again, the weather is getting a bit cooler as the fall and winter seasons begin. Dropping temperatures will inevitably affect energy costs. So as you look at ways to keep your energy costs down, remember to consider your roof.
Steps to reducing energy costs:
* Find drafts and seal them
* Replacing old insulation
*Checking your vinyl siding and windows for wear and tear
These few steps will help but without a good roof they may be futile to keeping your energy costs under control.
If your roof is old and worn out your efforts to heat your home may be going through the roof. Just as a hat keeps you warm in the winter your roof functions in a similar way.
The value of a New Roof can be most beneficial. Replacing your roof is an investment, helping to cut your energy costs and increase the value of your home. So if your roof is old and worn out remember the benefits could be just what you need to reduce your energy costs through the winter and summer months and give you that peace of mind that your money is not floating out through the roof. If you are interested in replacing your old roof contact one of our Service Writers and we will be able to come out and help you with your roofing decisions. Midwest Roofing Services is going green one step at a time and wants to help us all benefit from Eco friendly thinking.
With weeks of high temperatures. Midwest Roofing Services began looking at how to Conserve Energy and Costs. We found some simple tips to reduce energy usage and potentially save on electric bills.
Simple Tips to stay cool, while reducing energy usage and saving on electric bills
1. Keep thermostats at a constant, comfortable level (78 degrees) when at home. Programable Thermostats are great to set temps at a higher level when not at home. Lowering themostat setting below the desired temperature will not cool the home faster.
2. To reduce heat and moisture during warmest part of the day, run appliances such as ovens, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers in the early morning or evening hours when it is generally cooler outside.
3. Keep shades, blinds, and curtains closed. About 40 percent of unwanted heat comes through windows. Simply drawing blinds and curtains, which act as a layer of insulation, can reduce heat to your home. Awnings are even better and can even reduce heat gain by up to 75 percent. Window coatings and window film can reflect as much as 80 percent of direct rays from the sun.
*Keep doors to the outside, garage and attics keep firmly closed to keep cool air in and hot air out.
*Use fans to evenly distribute cool air and reduce the air conditioniner's "on" time. Ceiling fans use much lower levels of electricity compared to air conditioners.
*Place window air conditioners on the north or shady side of the house to avoid overworking the unit in the hot daytime sun.
4.Turn off lights and electronics not in use. These devices not only use extra electricity, but they add heat to your home, making air conditioner work harder.
5. Keep the doors to refrigerators and freezers closed as much as possible.
We are all trying to stay cool and save and hopefully these few tips will help you stay cool and save energy too!
Midwest Roofing Services Going Green One Step Time!
Proper Ventilation of your attic has multiple benefits for your home and your health of your family. Building codes have required that ventilation be installed in every region of the United States.
Proper Ventilation:
Will Help extend the life of your roof shingles by keeping the roof cooler in hot weather.
Will Help reduce cooling costs by allowing the heated air to circulate out of the attic.
Will Help prevent moisture build-up and the growth of mold and mildew that can affect your family's health and rot the framing which can cause expensive damage.
Will Help in the winter to prevent ice damming. In freezing temps during the day, the attic is often warmer than the outside air. Snow will melt in the higher areas of the roof where the heat accumulates in the attic and refreezes when it cools off by the eaves.
How does proper ventilation help your attic to breathe?
We need to breath to get fresh air in and out. For the same reasons your attic needs to breath as well. Most homes have a passive venting system which requires a balance between the intakes and outlets. Intakes and outlets are placed strategically to allow the greatest amout of circulation. As hot air rise, intake vents placed at lower points in the attic with outlets higher up. As the hot air escapes throught the outlets vents, it creates a minor vacuum that draws in fresh air through the lower intake vents.
Powered vents can also be used. These vents use electric powered fans to force air throught the vents.
Determining how much venting you need?
The size and placement of vents depends on the roof configuration and the size of the attic. Placement of attic vents should be determined by the size and shape of the attic area as well. Care should be taken to verify that the vent locations will vent all attic areas. If sheathing or fire stopping blocks off an area of the attic, additional vents may be recommended.
How do you know if you are having venting problems?
A through inspection of your attic space should be done to determine if you are having any problems that can attribute to poor venting.
Check for frost on the underside of the roof or on the rafters. This is caused by warm moist air that has been trapped and condensened subsequently freezing on the wood.
1. Look for water-stained or blackened wood, signs of mildew, mold, or rot.
2. Check for rusted nails or other metals. This is also a sign of condensation.
3. Is there any matted down insulation? This could be a sign of a roof leak from ice damming or other damage to your roof.
What are the best solutions for creating a well ventilated attic?
Make sure that your shingle manufacture's guidelines and building codes are followed for proper attic vent design layout. This will reduce the amount of condensation and excess heat that can build-up leading to a longer life of your roof and sheathing. Also proper ventilation will help remove the excess heat in the winter reducing the chances or forming ice dam which can backup in your attic causing water damage, mold, and rot.
Midwest Roofing Services can Help
Midwest Roofing Services has been in the business of installing and repairing roofs for 55 years throughout the Midwest. Ventilation is a part of the roof installation process and if your suspect that you are having ventilation problems give us a call. We will inspect your attic, roof and ventilation sustem and determine what needs to be done to make your home safer and healthier.
Midwest Roofing Services Going Green One Step at a Time!